Introducing the Case King (Patent Pending) a new paintball product designed to save players balls. it may look like a fine piece of bling, but it's not here just to make you look like a million dollars. It's here to help you save paint.

Opening bags with the Case King turns them into money-saving funnels. By inserting a corner of the bag into the slot in the center of the crown and pulling away, a hidden blade cuts cleanly through the plastic. The end result: a perfect opening the same size opening for a pod. This allows you to dispense your paint into larger containers, without waste. No straggler balls getting lost in the frayed bag ends, no spills from making cuts too big.

Case King's current design allows for customization but eventually a "pro" version will be available that will include a ball sizing gauge to allow for checking bore sizes each time you open a bag on the fly. We've also got other accessories that are designed for players' convenience, whether you need to make a quick adjustment or finding your gear.